

FaithWorks – Day of Service

April 20, 2024

FaithWorks is a special one-day outreach event where we will be putting our faith to work together as a church family! We'll be living on-mission together by serving our neighbors in practical ways!

WHO: FaithWorks is for everyone! We have a variety of serving opportunities for all ages and abilities.

WHAT: Participants will be organized into teams, and everyone will be sent out to perform service projects at various locations across the Greensboro area including non-profits, ministries, schools, and other agencies who serve our neighbors in need. Serving opportunities include:

  • Gardening & landscaping
  • Sorting & organizing donations
  • Handyman tasks
  • Painting
  • Sanctity of Life Prayer

WHEN: Check-in and a light breakfast will begin at 8:15am at the North Entrance on Westover's Campus, followed by a send-off for all groups. Most projects will wrap-up by 12pm.

SIGN UP: To sign up for FaithWorks, click HERE. Questions? Send us an email

Registration ends April 12.

Event Details

Day: Saturday
Start Time: 8:15am