

Small Group Start-Up

October 03, 2021

Join us at 6pm for our Small Group Start-Up! This is an opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing biblical community to find a group, build relationships, and discussing and living out biblical truth.

Small Groups formed will meet on various days and times, and will ideally meet in homes. Groups can take many forms– multi-generational groups, peer groups, life-stage groups, virtual- whatever you’d like! This start-up event is the opportunity to see what type of group you’d like to be in.

Need to bring your children to the event? No problem! Register by 9/28 to bring your kids to KidsCare. 


  • How will groups be formed? 

    • Groups will be formed based on the days/times people are available to meet, location, and/or group preferences (multi-generational, same life stage, virtual, etc.).
  • What will we be studying?

    • Groups will be doing the study True Spirituality: Becoming a Romans 12 Christian by Chip Ingram.
  • How often will groups meet? 

    • Groups will meet weekly for at least 12 weeks. 
  • Where will groups meet? 

    • We would love for your small group to meet in your homes!
  • Will childcare be provided for meetings? 

    • Small groups are a great opportunity to model biblical community to kids. With that in mind, we will be sharing models that give parents options for ways to structure small groups that will allow time for parents to meet and for kids to be cared for.

If you are interested in a virtual group, email Diana Brown AND complete this group interest form by October 3rd.

Event Details

Day: Sunday
Start Time: 6:00pm
Room Number: Theater
Location: Westover Church
Map It505 Muirs Chapel Road
Greensboro, NC 27410