

Families in Action | Cookies & Cocoa

December 09, 2017

Have you ever come home to find a surprise gift bag hanging on your front door?  The kids squeal with delight and you feel remembered and cared for. Our families, together with several folks who live in the apartments close to Westover, have the opportunity to deliver these little surprises to the front doors of several homes! Please join us for....

Cocoa, Cookies & More!

WHAT | Hot cocoa and decorating cookies with Westover's neighbors. Then together we will deliver small gift bags to the community's homes. (gift bags will be assembled the night before at Westover's Family Night)
WHERE | Outside the apartment of 337 Burlingate Drive, Apt 4
WHEN | Saturday, December 9th, 1pm
WHY |  Westover family, Todd and Amy Cox (Apartment Life Coordinators) live in this apartment neighborhood and have invited us to spend time with them and their neighbors!

Please sign up HERE
*If you would like to bring some unfrosted sugar cookies to decorate, please indicate the number of cookies you plan to bring in the sign-up so we may plan accordingly.


Event Details

Day: Saturday
Start Time: 1:00pm
Location: Offsite