
Solemn Assembly

August 01, 2020


Hosted by City Help of the Triad

In maintaining our commitment to repentance, reconciliation, and restoration, we believe that this is the next step in our efforts. This is a time for us as individuals, families, churches, and communities to repent to God and to be reconciled to Him and with one another as we seek to enjoy His full measure of blessing within our region, in our churches and our lives. The anticipated restoration most needed must begin with the things of the Spirit and in the Soul of those who comprise the Church and then extends out into our neighborhoods and communities. Our call to repent, be reconciled, and lead in restoration requires us to engage in this work of seeing those who make up the Church attain and regain a new passion for God's holiness and the corporate advancement of His kingdom.

 The sole purpose of A Solemn Assembly is to unite and bring into "oneness" the Body of Christ in Greensboro, NC as well as the Piedmont Triad – regardless of race, age, or denomination – in a special time of prayer for forgiveness, wisdom, and provision for our City and Region. This is about restoring the Church and regaining our prophetic voice in our City and Region.

Event Details

Day: Saturday
Time: 5:00pm
Contact: Chris Shelton