
Women's Bible Study: Online

June 10, 2020


PERFECT LOVE by Lisa Harper

Pursuing Intimacy with Christ through the Song of Solomon

We all want to be known and loved. Though we can experience deep relationships with others, there will always be a hole in our hearts for the perfect love of Christ. But, what does that really mean? How do we pursue intimacy with an invisible God?

In six powerful sessions, author and Bible teacher Lisa Harper walks women through the Song of Solomon to answer those questions and more. Though romance and marital love are typically associated with this book, Lisa takes a Christ-centered approach to illustrate how this ancient love story is relevant to your life and relationship with Jesus today.

Please join us from 10:00am–11:30am on Wednesday mornings starting on June 10. Class will meet via Zoom. We will enjoy discussion, watch the teaching video, and grow in our relationship with Jesus.

Send an email to Rachel Rees to register and she will email you the information you need to participate in this bible study.

Event Details

Day: Wednesday
Time: 10:00am
Location: Meets Online
Contact: Rachel