
Emanuel: Movie Showing and Panel Discussion

August 07, 2019


Westover is invited to attend the showing of the movie Emanuel. Emanuel is a documentary that tells the story of the families who chose to forgive after the tragic shooting that took place in their church’s bible study at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. It is sponsored by four parachurch groups that desire to see gospel-centered racial reconciliation in Greensboro.

After the movie there is a panel conversation moderated by Wes Ward that includes Polly Sheppard, a survivor of the Charleston shooting.

There is no charge for this event. This movie is heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. This is a great opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, and co-workers to watch a movie that addresses racial division and a response that is deeply rooted in the gospel of Christ.

Note: due to the nature of the movie, it is recommended 13 years old and up.

If you have any questions contact Wes Ward.


Click here for the trailer. (Please disregard the dates listed on the trailer.)

Event Details

Day: Wednesday
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Offsite