

Director of Finance
Jeff Larrimore

About Jeff:

Jeff  is a graduate of the University of Carolina at Chapel Hill where he earned his BS in Business Administration and Accounting. He also is a Certified Counselor with the AACC, Certified SYMBIS Counselor (Saving your marriage before it starts), Certified Marriage Mentor, and Counselor for an addictions group (Restart) at Triad Baptist. 

Jeff was saved at the age of 16 and has remained close to the Lord in faith as well as to his church. He has been serving in church ministry for 18 years and recently started as a counselor at Triad Baptist. Jeff and his wife both do marriage counseling and try to serve the Lord wherever they can. Being a part of Westover Staff to him is an extension of his service to the Lord with the gifts and abilities he has been given and entrusted with.

Contact Information:

Phone: 336-299-7374